Nature-Inspired Tech Booths : tech booth

SUMSEI, the premium lifestyle brand from Korea, is unveiling its distinctive tech booth at CES 2024, the world’s largest consumer electronics fair. Departing from the conventional focus on products and technologies, SUMSEI’s tech booth is designed to communicate the brand’s philosophy. The experience at CES 2024 will revolve around three themes—Cave, Sea, and Forest. tDisplayed at the booth are “flagship products like the SUMSEI Air Shower, along the Silver Lining Warmer, Pebble Tab, and In the Forest.”

The booth, divided into eight sections, draws inspiration from the “SUMSEI Terrarium” in Seoul, a popular cultural space designed to immerse visitors in nature and engage their five senses. SUMSEI Terrarium, located in Seoul’s Seongsu-dong district, has become a cultural hub attracting both Korean and international visitor. While SUMSEI’s Cave will create a sensory experience in darkness, Sea will stimulate a sandy beach through realistic video and ‘Forest’ will recreate nature in six-meter tall tree installations,

Image Credit: SUMSEI

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