Wonkette’s news of today predicts a riot.

It was a fucking MAD TABS.

And tomorrow’s going to be mad all over again, because I just now read about the pro-Israel demonstrators going to UCLA in the middle of the night to do a fucking riot on the pro-Palestinian encampment like the worst kind of brutish West Bank settlers — for hours, while the LAPD sat there with its thumb up its ass. God DAMN it.

There was other news, I don’t know, we’re all totally fucked.

This by Robyn was very good and totally awful.

This was funny. Mitt’s being a catty bitch.

I am disappointed in Maria Cantwell, that is for sure.

This is funny, Trump wants his lawyer to “attack the jury.” Okay?

Got a nice time!

Elon Musk should stop doing drugs at work.

This was funny.

See you in the morning unless I see you first!


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