Ask Mechanic Marv on Mondays

Are you tired of being taken advantage of by car dealerships and repair shops? Well, Mechanic Marv has you covered. He’s been working on cars ever since he was able to pick up his first wrench, which was given to him by his father, who was also a Mechanic Savant (no grease monkeys here!).

Mechanic Marv is my personal mechanic and has 40 years of experience working on vehicles, from Audis to Z4 BMWs. He specializes in luxury and foreign brands, including Audi, BMW, Jaguar, Mercedes Benz, Peugeot, Range Rover, and Volkswagon.

Whether you are looking to buy a new car, do maintenance, or take your vehicle in for repairs, but you have questions, Ask Mechanic Marv.

Send your questions to and put Ask Mechanic Marv in the heading. Then, be on the lookout for auto advice on Mondays via Instagram.

Join me and other like-minded luxury wellness enthusiasts on Instagram as we optimize our wellness … and our cars too!

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