‘Love Is Blind’ Season 5 Finale Recap

I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again: Izzy doesn’t know fully who he is or what he wants out of a relationship, let alone a marriage. Stacy could’ve been Johnie the way Izzy was going off on her. This surprised me because I felt like he handled her rejection at the altar gracefully. This didn’t surprise me, however, because Izzy has shown that he doesn’t know how to let women he’s had feelings for move on peacefully.

It’s very valid and normal for Izzy to show hurt after Stacy’s rejection. I can’t knock him for that. What was weird to me was when he said: “Why are you 33 and single and not married? I’m 29 and can give you everything that a fucking rich, 45-year-old man that you always go for and always fail with can’t give you.” He really thought he ate with that insult. But what Izzy failed to realize is that he’s delusional. He longs for love, yet the way he looks at it is straight out of “Titanic.” He romanticizes things in the most juvenile way that makes me wonder if he came on this show just for the exposure, because his grasp of and readiness for marriage is nonexistent. — Taryn

Couldn’t agree more, Taryn. And there are rumors that Izzy is on the new season of “Perfect Match,” which would lend even more credence to the theory that he came on this show for exposure. He gives me Bartise vibes, except that he tried a little more to make things work with Stacy than Bartise did with Nancy. The comment you mention rubbed me the wrong way and really showed his immaturity. I’m glad Stacy said no. — Cambria

The “Titanic” reference was really telling, and showed that Izzy’s idea of romance is pretty superficial and stems from cliches about love in popular culture rather than real experience. I also found it interesting that he resonated with “Titanic” given that the film’s main couple came from different classes. I bet you he was in the gym hoping that Stacy would give up her lifestyle for him, like Rose did for Jack. Stacy is not Rose, Izzy. But I’m sure Stacy would’ve hogged that raft if she were in the same position as Rose.

Didn’t Izzy also mention he didn’t care about “looks” when it came to Stacy? I found that odd, given that he always seemed to be physically attracted to her. If he was insinuating that he didn’t like her appearance, that’s just petty because I think they’re pretty matched in that area.

Also, THAT LINE about her age and not being married felt so gross. As a 41-year-old woman who is single, I’ve gotten this line before. It always feels super sexist, demeaning and controlling, like an older woman should accept bad behavior from a man because we have fewer options. — Elyse

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