Vegan Charcuterie Kits : Variety Charcuterie Packs

C’est Lä Vé’s Variety Charcuterie Packs offer a convenient and delectable solution for consumers interested in dairy-free, plant-based snacking and sampling.

These pre-assembled kits provide a curated selection of artisanal vegan cheeses, plant-based meats, and flavorful accouterments, sparing consumers the effort of meticulously choosing and pairing their components. With the potential to simplify both solo snacking and entertaining, these kits cater to a wide range of tastes and dietary preferences, making it effortless to enjoy an exquisite dairy-free charcuterie experience on any occasion.

These protein-packed kits recently showcased at NYC’s Plant Based World Expo are available in three varieties, Italian, Peppered and Smoked, which pair cheeses with mini bruschetta and nut-free trail mixes. Each kit pairs a deli-style slice with a dairy-free cheese alternative for a well-rounded snacking experience.

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